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Living in your home

Leazes Homes is committed to providing quality housing for those in need across Newcastle, but our commitment to our tenants doesn’t stop with a warm room and protection from the elements. We are equally concerned with all aspects of your tenancy. So we have Karbon Homes, who manage around 32,000 homes across the North East […]

Living in Your Home image


We are committed to the principles of equality, probity, integrity and propriety, and want to make sure that these principles are embedded in our organisation. We believe that effective communication will help ensure that these principles are followed and will promote better business practices. As part of this commitment, Leazes Homes will not tolerate wrongdoing […]


While we work hard to make our homes and neighbourhoods nice places to live, we know that things can still go wrong. That is why we have a complaints policy and take complaints very seriously. If you are not happy about something relating to our services please don’t hesitate to let us know. For example, you […]